Since I've moved into this new apartment, I've done shamefully little cooking. I was fortunate enough to have a sous chef around this weekend, so I planned at least two recipes to try out. Of course, it only ended up being one with the amazing amount of eating out that was done, but this recipe was totally worth it.
Now, I've made biscuits before. I'm from Georgia. I've had most of them not end up being worth it. Too dry, not buttery enough, burnt. But these! These are intensely buttery and rich, sweet as pie from the strawberries, but not too sweet, moist, delicious. In a nutshell, worth it.
If you're left with almost dead strawberries and don't want to throw them out or drink another smoothie, whip these up. You probably have most of the ingredients on hand. You will not be sorry.
For easy to follow directions, head to Smitten Kitchen.