Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vegan Stewed Lentils and Tomatoes

Ugh! I know I'm slacking again on recipes. I've made a bunch of stuff with more on the way. Long, boring story that you don't want to hear, so let's start of easy. Actually, I meant to tell you about this forever ago. Once upon a dinner party, a friend from work and I made this Smitten Kitchen recipe. It was fabulous. The end.

Seriously, I made this at home in the same week and have been dreaming about it since. Vegan month is a great way to explore some new bean and rice dishes. I held off making them for gluten free so I wouldn't get sick to death of them. But it's vegan time! No guilt in making them now, so please join me and believe me when I say they're perfect for vegans, vegetarians, and meat-eaters alike. Word.

I've had them a little different every time. The first time, my friend put the carrots in hers. Of course, I don't do carrots, so I left them out the second time around, along with the food processing step. But this time, oooh this time! It could be that the anticipation made them taste more phenomenal than ever. Or it could be that I processed my onions, garlic, and tomatoes after sauteing then topped with a double dose of black pepper for a slightly spicy, tangy masterpiece over rice. Whatev.

Please make these. Seriously. I might cry if you don't.

To make this awesomeness, go to Smitten Kitchen.

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