Monday, November 9, 2009

Afghani Fried Brown Rice

I was looking for something special to do with my fancy bag of brown rice. This wasn't it. I'm sure the actual recipe is delicious. However, I skimped out on making the ras-al-hanout because the recipe only called for 1/2 tsp. Half a teaspoon! Most of the recipes I found for ras-al-hanout makes at least 1 cup. Great if I wanted to use it again. Not so great when I don't want to add more stuff I'm not using to my spice drawer.

Ras-al-hanout is a very popular spice in North Africa and thereabouts. However, it looked very like masala with extra pepper. So that's what I used instead. Add that to the fact that I didn't caramelize the onions enough and it turned out very bland. It ended up being the base for a few burritos, but that was about it. Sigh. Maybe some other time. It was pretty when it was cooking though.


Mariana said...

This scared me for a minute. When I saw those "things" floating... I remembered the wevils from a past nightmare you had. :)

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